Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Wow...this is tough.....not going to make it...

Ok, maybe I was a little hasty when I said I'd write a song a day for a month. Does a week suffice? With all the work (and travel for work), I'm just not going to be able to write a song-a-day. I'll keep trying, though.

Waiting for my flight from Rochester to LaGuardia yesterday, I spotted a woman who looked suspiciously like Marg Helgenberger (from CSI)
. The closer I got, the more it looked like her. I DID take a picture, but it's not that great (I didn't want to look like a stalker):

Yeah, too blurry...TMZ, I am not. Oh, and Bill Weld was on my plane from LaGuardia to Boston. What's he doing riding coach on US Airways? Workin' for the man just doesn't pay that well, I guess.


Anonymous said...

Wow! She looks old. Gray hair and everything. Is she eating a Dunkin donut?

The Hag Bag said...

To the right, the right!

Anonymous said...

You are so bad at this! This woman looks nothing like her!!!

See the below URL of Marg on January 12th: