Thursday, February 07, 2008

Song #7: Never Back. Always Forward

Never back. Always Forward.
I look outside and it's raining.
The paper says we've got mist rolling over the lake.
There's worse to come, and I feel it.
Your love for me is gone, and the storm clouds are ready to break.

I understand now that it's over.
There's no going back to the sunnier days of our past.
The high-water mark is still rising,
I'll try to tread the water, but I feel like I'm sinking too fast.

You've made me
harder than stone, where I can't feel pain anymore.
When you told me,
Your life's moving on, you packed your bags and you walked out the door.
And I gave you,
Ten years of my life and I want to go back there again.
But it's over,
And looking back towards the sun makes the darkness much harder to bear.
To beeeeaaaaaarrrrrr.

The pictures we shared are now burning.
The memories are hard; I can't stand to look at the pain.
The fire is stoked, and it's growing.
The anger that I feel's the only warmth that keeps me sustained.

But I know that one day I'll see you.
Years from this point when our lives have twisted away.
When the memories of this storm have faded.
I'll look you in the eyes and I'll finally get a chance to say.

You made me
harder than stone, where I couldn't feel pain anymore.
When you told me,
Your life's moving on, you packed your bags and you walked out the door.
And I gave you,
Ten years of my life and I wanted to go back there again.
But it's over,
And looking back towards the sun makes the darkness much harder to bear.
To beeeeaaaaaarrrrrr.

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